50 Fun Facts About Me

I thought this would be a great way for everyone to get to know me better 🙂

  1. I have a relationship with food
  2. I have a dog, who is a Bichon Frise named Frisky
  3. I recently graduated college
  4. I am turning 23 this year
  5. I am working full time in the health field
  6. I am half Irish and half Peruvian (a lot of people also tell me I look Asian??)
  7. My favorite colors are blue, pink, and white
  8. My favorite food of all time has to be pizza (I especially love the pizza restaurant from my hometown)
  9. I love flying in airplanes, and the biggest rush is when you are starting to take off from the ground
  10. I do not have a fear of heights
  11. I live in the suburbs of Connecticut
  12. I’m scared of spiders and snakes
  13. I want to eventually live abroad for a year
  14. I’m currently trying to get an Irish Citizenship so I am free to live and work in Europe without the hassle of a visa
  15. I am an only child (but my parents treat my dog like he is my “brother”)
  16. I’ve known my best friend since 4th grade
  17. I basically want to travel to every country in the world
  18. My Bachelor’s degree is in Psychology and Health
  19. I eventually want to get my Master’s in Public Health
  20. I want to continue my studies at college in Europe (US college tuition is too expensive!)
  21. I dress very preppy, and most of the people in Connecticut do as well
  22. I have always dreamed about spontaneously buying a plane ticket and flying anywhere in the world
  23. I have had a job every year since 8th grade (camp counselor-8th grade)
  24. I played on my high school’s tennis team (started as 3rd doubles and made it to first singles and Captain by senior year)
  25. My dream wedding would be a small ceremony in Tuscany or in Hawaii
  26. My height is 5’4″
  27. The most I have ever won from a lottery ticket was $5
  28. The last time I had soda was 5 years ago
  29. My favorite number is 6
  30. I don’t smoke
  31. I don’t drink (except for sangria, strawberry daiquiris, melon sours, and Mike’s Hard Lemonade)
  32. I speak English, took 5 years of Spanish classes, and I am now learning Italian
  33. Growing up, I wanted to work in fashion or be a Marine Biologist
  34. I don’t have any tattoos, but I have been thinking about getting a white ink tattoo of something travel related
  35. I don’t like horror movies (even some kid’s animation/cartoons/muppets creep me out)
  36. I never get really emotional, but the only 2 things in past few years that made me cry was the movie Marley and Me and that Extra Gum commercial of the story of Sarah and Juan (just listening to the song still makes me cry)
  37. I am a natural brunette with natural red highlights
  38. I have brown eyes
  39. I love to laugh
  40. Sometimes when I’m laughing really hard at something, my eyes start watering up
  41. I’ve only peed myself once, in 3rd grade, because the teacher said we couldn’t go to the bathroom since we were taking a math test, and I had to wear lost and found overalls from the nurse’s office for the rest of the day
  42. Also another embarrassing story, I was wearing white pants in 3rd grade and accidentally spilled red juice on my pants… 3rd grade was not a great year for me
  43. I really want to see the Aurora Borealis
  44. I am not a morning person
  45. I love running, and once in gym class in high school I forgot my sneakers and my gym teacher let me run in my Uggs, and I ended up getting a 7:42 for the mile, and then again in college I was running for charity and forgot my sneakers, and ran with my flip flops on
  46. I love anything that involves traveling, my parents had a hard time deciding where to go for a trip in the Caribbean, so I created a 52 page powerpoint talking about all the places we could visit and their accomodations, and activities to do in that country, and we decided upon Barbados
  47. I grew up Catholic and I don’t go as often as I should, but I also really love to learn about different religions
  48. I love the fall time, especially where I live there are a ton of apple picking farms and apple cider doughnuts are a big thing here in Connecticut
  49. Even though I am very girly at times, I do enjoy letting loose and watching football and action/spy movies
  50. I can be shy at times but once you get to know me I am very friendly and I love to give people compliments to help brighten their day 🙂