Travel Bucket List: Mont Saint Michel

Travel Bucket List #1

When I first heard about Mont Saint Michel, I knew that I would have to add this to my travel bucket list. Mont Saint Michel is located in Normandy, France and it is an island connected to the mainland by means of a long bridge. This island is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the town and village on the island was built between the 11th and 16th centuries. It also looks very similar to another island, Corona from the movie Tangled starring Rapunzel. This place seems like it’s from a fairytale, rather than real life. I mean, who doesn’t want to go see a replica of a castle from a Disney movie?

Mont Saint Michel
dream 1 france
Corona (Tangled)

“Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote, and I know that I will be happily infected until the end of my life” – Michael Palin

16 thoughts on “Travel Bucket List: Mont Saint Michel

      1. anroworld

        Honestly, I have been there only one day, it was a bus tour, and It was enough for me, but maybe I did not catch everything. I liked it, although I did not see it at night as in the picture you used, unfortunately! Place is amazing, you won’t regret!

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  1. Hope you get to go! I never did even though I lived in France – never enough time for everything. I’ve seen some documentaries about the incoming tide which rushes in at a dangerous speed… so be careful when you do go 🙂

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  2. Val

    I hope you get there for a visit. I’ve never been (and my actual travelling days are over due to ill health, I now ‘armchair travel’ for want of a better phrase) but my parents and sister went in the early 1950s and I have family photos with the island and its streets as a background. Here’s a video I’ve found on youtube that shows a lot of it quite nicely.

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    1. Thank you for referring the video! It makes me want to visit even more now 🙂 I love the architecture of the place, it looks very French, but it also reminds me of some of the locations in Harry Potter! Maybe a lot of movies and books got inspiration from this magical town?

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